All given prices are net prices.

Gerber Export

Extension module for our PCB CAM Web App

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PCB CAM Web App and Gerber Export - Data conversion made easy!
Choose the extension module "Gerber Export" and easily convert your PCB design data sets into the popular data format Gerber (Extended Gerber).

Please select how many months you want to use the extension module. One-time payment.
Independent of the choice of extension module, the import of the formats Gerber274x X2/X3, Excellon and Sieb & Meyer is already included as free basic functionality!
19,90 € per month
Further information

To be able to use this extension module without restrictions, please allow popups for the PCB CAM Web App in your browser.

Gerber Files - At some point, every PCB designer will have to deal with this issue, as finished designs are often transferred to the manufacturer in just this format. Being an important industry standard, the ability to output a layout in Gerber format is of particular relevance. And now, you too are able export this data format with only a few clicks, and independently of the import format - be it IPC-2581, ODB++, GenCAD, DPF or Eagle files.

By means of the simple data conversion, you may benefit from the following specific advantages of Gerber:

  • Most common format used to transform from PCB design (CAD system) to manufacturing process (CAM system).
  • Description of the different elements and components of a PCB: e.g. conductor layers, wiring pads or solder mask layers.
  • Possibility of using Gerber for both the production and assembly of printed circuit boards.
  • Each Extended Gerber (RD-274-X) file contains a complete set of information for one PCB layer, such as placement printing, solder stop or copper (traces) and/or the openings (pads) in SMD stencils.

Opt for the "Gerber Export" extension module and convert virtually any format to the well-established Gerber data exchange format.

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Basic module

Free basic module for our PCB CAM Web App

Use this module at

With this module, you are able to upload and visualize all your designs in the popular formats Gerber 274x X2/X3, Excellon and Sieb&Meyer - completely free of charge.

Enjoy the new and pleasant working experience of PCB CAM Web App thanks to its speed and performance!
0,00 €

ODB++ Export

Extension module for our PCB CAM Web App

Use this module at

PCB CAM Web App and ODB++ Export - Data conversion made easy!
Choose "ODB++ Export" extension module and easily convert your PCB Design data sets into the intelligent ODB++ data format.

Please select how many months you want to use the extension module. One-time payment.
19,90 € per month

GenCAD Export

Extension module for our PCB CAM Web App

Use this module at

PCB CAM Web App and extension module "GenCAD Export" – Data conversion made easy!
Opt for the extension module "GenCAD Export" and easily convert your PCB design data sets into popular GenCAD format.

Please select how many months you want to use the extension module. One-time payment.
19,90 € per month

ODB++ Import

Extension module for our PCB CAM Web App

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Choosing this extension module, you will be able to also import ODB++ data. Visualize your design and easily interact with it with our PCB CAM Web App. Take advantage of the intelligent data format ODB++!

Data formats with various dialects, such as RS274X, may produce different results on different CAM systems. This can cause considerable damage. ODB++ significantly improves quality by avoiding data exchange errors. Thanks to the distinct definition, multiple interpretations become a thing of the past.

Formats up to ODB++ 8.1 Update 2 are supported.

Please select how many months you want to use the extension module. One-time payment.
9,90 € per month